You may think that skipping the services of proofreaders, when creating collateral for your business, is an easy way to save money. But you will quickly find that the money that you think you might be saving, may be slipping out of your grasp in the loss of prospective sales or potential clients instead.
Nowadays, everything comes down to image and first impressions. People’s time has become increasingly precious, due to the many distractions facing each one of us every day. Individuals have little time to waste and thus are very quickly turned on, or off, by advertisements, social media content, print articles or other types of material. Customers will promptly decide whether they are or aren’t interested in the product or services that you offer based on their impression of your business.
If you’re not representing a business, you may be a student applying for a position, or submitting a thesis that you’ve put very long hours into. If that job application or document is filled with mistakes, be it typos or grammar issues or omissions, your submission will not have the impact that you had anticipated, on a potential employer or professor. And, although the basic content of your research or resume may be impressive, the poor quality of the presentation will most certainly affect your final score, or hiring potential.
Don’t make the mistake of underestimating the impact of well presented, well articulated, error free and cleanly written content. You may find your business overlooked by potential customers due to the poor quality of the material that was created to represent you and your organisation. They will choose to go to a competitor instead. As previously mentioned, image is everything.
Here are a few examples of written work that has left a poor taste in the public’s mind:
I haven’t heard of power towels before. Is that new?
Even worse when targeting the field of education!
Maybe this sign was put up by the local hospital.
The hard work that you put into setting up a business, drafting your resume, writing that all important article or thesis or research project, etc. will be representing you and what you stand for! It deserves to be checked by a second pair of eyes.
No matter how talented some of us can be in the writing department, when one spends hours on a same document, we can easily get to a point where we read it how we think it reads and are no longer able to discern mistakes. We may start experiencing a type of brain fog, for lack of a better word. We are all human after all.
Please don’t skimp on quality; hire a proofreader. We are here to help you make the right impression!
Oh boy!